(W) Setting Intentions - Sunday, March 3, from 1 to 3 pm

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Exploring your intentions can inspire you to get excited about moving in the direction of your heart's desire by providing a roadmap for your creative energy to follow.

·   Intentions influence our efforts, thoughts, and emotions

·   Intentions can help us stay closer to what is important to us

·   Intentions can help us notice support from life and people

·   Intentions can generate enthusiasm and creative thinking

·   Intentions can be enjoyable and stimulate inventiveness


Imagination is an important part of intentions work. As important as it is to be realistic about life, it is equally necessary to get excited about creative brainstorming and to practice thinking outside the box. It’s a good idea to adopt a playful, or light-hearted approach when creating intentions.

Teacher: Dr. Edward Viljoen



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